
Showing posts from September, 2019

Freshers Day Programme

The fresher's day was a day that was filled the joy, excitement, music, laughter, enthusiasm and happiness.The program was inaugurated by Dr p babukuttan our college principal.fresher's day create a friendly atmosphere. It is the day where juniors and seniors finally bond and unite to celebrate being part of college

Essay Competition

        Essay Competition held at SVMCTE on 18th September 2019.It gave more inspiration to the students and many students participated in this essay competition.

Teacher's Day Celebration

Teachers' day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers,and may include celebrations to honour them for their Special contributions in a particular field area or the community in general We conducted several programs and it was inaginaugur by our principal Babukuttan sir.

SUPW-Socialy Useful Productive Work

Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) is a "purposive productive work and services related to the needs of the child and the community, which will be proved meaningful to the learner. Such work must not be performed mechanically but must include planning, analysis and detailed preparation, at every stage so that it is educational in essence. As a part of our B.Ed curriculum we made such a work to make soap and lotion.